Tipples Irish Cream Liqueur’s🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Product Description

Tipples makes your coffee or dessert special. Each pot is a blend of Irish Cream Liqueur, flavoured with French Brandy and a hit of Amaretto. Add one to your coffee or over a dessert.

Tipples do not contain any artificial preservatives. They are suitable for vegetarians but not vegan diets.

Each individual pack contains 10 x 20ml servings.

Tipples Nutritional Information

Tipples (per serving – 1 pot)
Energy = 67kcal / 279 kJ
Protein = 0.8g
Carbohydrate = 4.3g
Fat = 3.2g

First ImpressionsΒ 

The black box with the clear picture of what it contains. Incased in the Tipples name makes this box jump of the shelf. Its a simple but effectivly eye catching design that is made to draw the eye in. When opened the little brown pots with black foil lids presenting the tipples name, leave no mistaking what these are. These individual portion sized pots insure no waste and easy serving.

My Review

I personally am not a coffee drinker so I enlisted the help of friends and avid coffee drinkers on writing this review.

When making coffee we tried it a few different ways:

Instant: An added delight to any instant coffee turning it from plain to an exciting Irish coffee that is hard to follow. The perfect amount inΒ  the pots for a standard mug. Pleasant after taste. Pleasant to drink, going down with a full flavour.

Filtered: Pleasant after taste. Pleasant to drink going down with a full flavour. Tasted a little richer then when in the Instant.

Cafetiere:Β  Pleasant after taste. Pleasant to drink going down with a full flavour. Tasted stronger in the Cafetiere then in the other two.

Then me being me, thought what about adding it to hot chocolate. I was sold. Forget about Costa this was amazing. It gave the chocolate a lift and the taste really set alight in my mouth leaving a really pleasant not to sweet after taste. I will forever be hooked on this little Irish Hot chocolate.

Adding to Vinilla Ice-cream really brought out the flavour of the Irish cream and made an added bonus. Thinking out side the box I stirred in to some youghart and was met with a sweet and pleasant treat that left again a loving after taste and warm feeling when finished.

In Conclusion I am going to give Tipples Irish Cream Liqueur, 5 stars out of 5. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

They are trying their hardest to give a lift to the nation and in this case have succeed. I will be trying to add them to recipes next to see what can else can be done.



8 thoughts on “Tipples Irish Cream Liqueur’s🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

    1. Good question – they have been out of stock for months now and I wish to know the same thing ??!!!!


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